Week 8: Comments and Feedback

I've received great feedback so far. Everyone is very respectful and helpful. My favorite type of feedback is when people point out very specific things that I can change. I like suggestions and I gladly accept them, but I rarely act on suggestions because they don't pick at me enough. I have to feel some sort of stimulation to actually want to make the change.

I realize that I could leave better feedback. It's hard for me to point out things that people should change because I usually don't see those things. I think I need to get better at reading more analytically. I want to leave people feedback that will help them make their story better, but at the same time I don't ever want anyone to think I'm attacking their writing styles/their ability. 

Commenting on blogs has helped me connect more with people. I notice little things in their storybooks that I remember reading in their intros. It's been fun to get to know everyone little by little!

I'm going to work on leaving more specific tips on people's stories.

I like the image below because its reality. We do so many things to run away from the possibility of failure, but we have to need to learn to embrace it. It's in those moments that breakthrough can happen. 
Picture by Grant Snider


  1. Hey Jasmin,

    I feel exactly the same way in regards to giving feedback. I am usually reading for the enjoyment of the stories and less in a way to look for things that need changing. I need to work on improving my feedback as well. I do get some good feedback from others in this class, though. Sometimes it is very helpful.



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