Reading Notes: PDE Mahabharata, Section D
The whole first part of the story of was a little confusing to me. Maybe if I would slow down and read it a little more carefully it would make more sense. But if I were to retell this story I would simply it a little and add more dramatics. Probably more fight scenes. Although, I don't think I've ever written a fight scene. So it could go really bad or surprisingly good.
I would love to see a scene of Arjuna and Bhishma before Arjuna kills him. You can already see how hard it was for Arjuna, but I feel like there's a whole story there.
Why would Karna waste his arrow on Ghatotkacha?? He should have saved it for Arjuna. But I bet Indra knew Karna would was going to do something like this or why else would he give him an arrow that could kill his son?
Wow, the death of Drona was sad. I'm feeling every feeling right now.
Arjuna and Karna. Man, that story breaks my heart.
The mongoose story was nice. I like when animals start telling humans stories. They're always so much better than regular stories.
When all the elders of the leaders went to live in the jungle, I think it be funny to modernize the story and have all the young people trying to pressure their parents into a nursing home.
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