Storybook Topic Reseach: Karna v. Arjuna

My first storybook idea is a combination of some of my ideas from last week mixed with some helpful feedback from Laura. I want my topic to focus on the feud between Arjuna and Karna. I want the story to also include Arjuna's father, Indra and Karna's father, Surya. The first approach I want to take with this is through someone with a actual storybook filled with pictures. I want to tell the stories through the pictures. The problem with is, is that I have to stick with what the pictures depict. I guess that I can change things that happen before/after the picture, as long as I have the scene in the picture take place.

Second idea: The fathers Indra and Surya come together to understand the rivalry between their sons. They try to come up with a plan to end the rivalry and bring their son's together.

My first episode would include the moments when Karna and Arjuna are both at the same tournament. Karna wasn't allowed to fight Arjuna because he wasn't of high status. Maybe I could change that and have them compete. Or I can include the story of them confronting each other at the tournament. 
My second episode would include the story of the actual fight between the two enemies. I want to detail the emotions that were going through each of them at the time. Like when Krishna saved Arjuna's life.
My third episode would be similar to the The Superior Son, where Indra and Surya discuss their sons superiority. Maybe I could change to them bonding over this rivalry instead.

Helpful Links:
Karna vs. Arjuna web source
Karna v. Arjuna web source


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